Fae Stene— 5 starAllbrands is a great place to shop. I bought a gravity feed iron and a converter box, for my embroidery machine. Both had excellent prices, great service and came really fast. Thank you Allbrands. I will continue to shop here. Fae Stene.
Claudia Foxworth— 5 starHad a wonderful time learning from all of the professionals at the All Brands Event in Houston, TX this past weekend. Every teacher was VERY INFORMATIVE & helpful. I especially learned so much about the Quattro 3 that I have in that class.
The few things that I felt needed a little improvement are:
a) printed handouts in all the classes
b) chairs spaced with a little more elbow run (during the full class segments-everyone all together.
Thanks so much for a wonderful couple of days. Rae from Baton Rouge was especially helpful! ClaudiaBridget Robertson— 5 starI love the deals that I find on Allbrands! I’ve shopped the site for many years and will continue to do so!
Debra Joy Hart— 5 star“Sew” excited to get my extension table for my sewing machine. Gonna be cranking out those quilts.
The proof is in the pudding!